B i o g r a p h y
A music composer and educator in Hong Kong, Tang is the founder and managing director of Hong Kong Music Education and Research Centre and a Lecturer of The Education University of Hong Kong. As a music educator, Tang has developed and taught various music curricula for different institutes, including a HKDSE music course for Tuen Mun District senior secondary schools (2016 – ), an Arts co-curricular workshop at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2014 – 2015), a summer gifted program on musical creativity at the University of Hong Kong (2013 – 2015), the Centralized Scheme of Music Training for Senior Secondary Students organized by the Education Bureau (2003 – 10), and a trombone and tuba course at the Hong Kong Institute of Education (1998 – 2010).

鄧斌衡是一名作曲家及音樂教育家,他為香港音樂教育及研究中心之創辦人及該中心的行政總監。鄧氏曾於本港一間全曰制直資學校擔任高層管理工作,亦曾與多個教學團體合作舉辦不同的音樂課程, 當中包括屯門區新高中文憑試音樂課程(2016 – )、為香港科技大學設計的音樂藝術工作坊(2014 – 2015)、為香港大學創辦的一系列訓練音樂資優生的夏季課程(2013 – 2015)、教育局的高中生音樂集中訓練計劃(2003 – 10) 、以及在香港教育學院任教長號及大號(1998 – 2010)。
鄧斌衡現時為國際音樂教育學會會員、香港作曲家聯會會員、香港作曲家及作詞家協會會員、 香港音樂教育家協會會員和港大資優教育及才華發展工作小組會員會員。作為一名專業作曲家,他曾為多個音樂團體、學校及香港天主教教區創作音樂。

Pan-hang Tang is currently a member of the International Society for Music Education, the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild, the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Association of Music Educators, and the Special Interest Group for Gifted Education, Creativity and Talent Development of the University of Hong Kong. Tang is also an active composer, writing and arranging music for different performing groups, schools, and Hong Kong Catholic Diocese.