M a j o r C o m p o s i t i o n s
Click on the name of the piece to link to the score and playback

Catholic Church Music
Salve Regina 又聖母經 (2014)
Gloria Patri 聖三光榮經 (2013)
For Thine is the Kingdom 天下萬國 (2013)
The Lord's Prayer / Pater Noster 天主經 (2013)
Ave Maria 聖母經 (2012)
Mass in Cantonese (2011 - 2012)
St. Francis' Prayer 聖方濟和平禱文 (2011)
May the Lord Bless You 願上主祝福你 (2010)
Trombone Solo and Brass Enesemble
May the Lord Bless You 願上主祝福你 (2010)
Brass Quintet (1999)
Rachmaninov (1996)
Whims of Bone (1996), trombone solo with a bucket of water
The Wolf and the Grapery 狼與葡萄園 (1995), for trombone solo with piano accompaniment and a narrator
Trombone Concerto (1997), for trombone solo, string orchestra, percussion ensemble, and SATB choir
Three Pieces for Four Trombones (1995)
Recorder Solo and Ensemble
Antiphony (2008), for trombone solo and recorder band
Variations on the Lightly Row (2006), for reocrder band
Recorder Fantasy (2005 - 2011), recorder teaching materials
Concertino for Clarinet, Piano, and Recorder Band (2004)
iii. Presto
Fabric 布絮 (2002), Quartet for Recorders, Ocarinas, Percussion, and MIDI
Wind Band and Ensemble
Eine 9-8 Valse (2013), for wind band
Ode to our music teacher (2012), for flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, and piano
Valse? 9-8 (2011), for flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, and piano
Variations on "There's a Tavern in the Town" (2010), for wind band
Des'r school in SKW (2010), for wind wind with a violin solo, cello solo, prepared piano and soprano solo
Music by Composing Compser (2019), conceptual music
Threnody for the Souls of Tian2 (2014), conceptual music
Frequency (2011), conceptual music, for 2 sets of oscilloscopes and sound generators
The Innocent Voices in Cathedral (2010), conceptual music
Wenjin 文金 (2010), contemporary dance music, for tenor recorder, harp, viola, and glockspiel
Little Ants 小螞蟻 (1999), for junior pimray school percussion band
Trio for Flute, Violin, and Cello No. 4 (1999), In Memorial of J.S. Bach
Trio for Flute, Violin, and Cello No. 3 (1998), A Bird in Lotus Pond
Trio for Flute, Violin, and Cello No. 2 (1998)
Trio for Flute, Violin, and Cello No. 1
Original (1996), I am Benny
Inverted (2012)
Retrograde (2012)
Inverted retrograde (2012)
Post-zero 零後 (1996), for double string quartet
Percussion Suite (1996), for 2 percussionists
Prelude and Fugue (1996), digital music
Variations for Orchestra (1995)
Four Piano Pieces for Children (1992 - 1996)
Piano Poem (1993)
Transformation 蛻變 (1992), for string quartet
In the Habour (1992), for soprano solo with piano accompaniment