Prelude and Fugue
Composition Year: 1996
Genre: Digital
Program Notes:
The sound source used include:
1) Twelve Tone Sustems from Cakewalk Professional, Microsoft Window;
2) Yamaha SY77 synthesizer;
3) Roland S550 Sampler.
The reason for putting the Prelude and the Fugue together is that they are based on the same pitch set, making of the same patches and using the same number of tracks.The Prelude is pointillistic in manner. The idea of the piece is to gradually compress a group of notes and wild sound effects from four measures to less than one beat. the highly compressed effect is soon reduced when the tracks are cut off one by one.The Fugue is in three-section form. The exposition section illustrates the first three voices. The fourth voice is added in the middle section. Expansions, retrogrades,, inversions, and retrograde inversions of the fugue subject appear in stretto here. The recapitulation section restates the exposition. Rather than the primo form, the inversion of the subject is used in this section.